Gordon Lightfoot Book, Music and More!

The home of music journalist Nicholas Jennings, author of Lightfoot, the definitive new Gordon Lightfoot biography from Penguin Random House.

All Saints - Studio 1

All Saints - Studio 1England’s Spice Girl successors have buried the hatchets and reunited in time to catch pop music’s current Caribbean-lite wave. Their third album, an homage to Jamaica’s Studio One label, features such ska and reggae numbers as the horn-heavy “Scar,” “Not Eazy” and the sassy title track. After making babies, solo albums and some rock-star romance (with Liams Gallagher and Howlett, for the Canadian-born Appleton sisters), the Saints now thankfully seem to treat music as something more than just a photo op.

Feist - Fantastic Feist
Feature Article: John Prine - Fair & Square

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