Gordon Lightfoot Book, Music and More!

The home of music journalist Nicholas Jennings, author of Lightfoot, the definitive new Gordon Lightfoot biography from Penguin Random House.

Gordon Lightfoot and the hat that got passed

I collect hats. That's what you do when you're bald.                                                              So spoketh Sweet Baby James Taylor. Gordon Lightfoot was never bald and, therefore, not much inclined to collect hats. But he did once own a distinctive Homburg. Not the formal, stately kind made famous by Winston Churchill. Lightfoot's was more flamboyant: a wide-brimmed fur one, with an array of feathers tucked jauntily into the hatband. And that Homburg traveled widely, although not nearly as far or over as long a period of ...

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Randy Newman - Dark Matter

Newman’s won Oscars for his soundtrack work, but it’s his sardonic songs—often written from the perspective of an unreliable narrator—that have made him one of America’s most celebrated songwriters. Here, the creator of “Sail Away” and “Rednecks” shines with a merciless portrait of Russia’s Vladimir Putin and “She Chose Me” a tender song for his wife.  There’s also a heartbreaking ballad, “Wandering Boy,” about a father pining for his estranged son. The standout is “The Great Debate,” a devastatingly funny eight-minute mini-musical in which he pits quantum mechanics and astrophysicists in an arena against Presbyterians and Episcopalians to determine whether science o...

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Dylan and me - One night at the Nick

Art Usherson photo ©

On the night of January 9, 1974, my buddy Bill Gardner and I joined the flood of people pouring out of Maple Leaf Gardens, babbling with excitement over what we’d just witnessed: a two-hour-plus concert by Bob Dylan and The Band who’d stoned us with the raucous opener “Rainy Day Women” and dressed us so fine with the euphoric penultimate “Like a Rolling Stone, asking us how we felt. As if we needed to be asked. The elation carried us along Carlton Street, undimmed despite nostril-freezing temperatures and a sudden snow squall. “Wanna go for drinks?” asked Bill. “Ronnie’s playing down at the Nick.” The thought of seeing Ronnie Hawkins on the same night and in the same building where Dylan had...

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Peter Yarrow on Gordon Lightfoot

Peter Yarrow, of bestselling folk trio Peter, Paul & Mary, passed away on January 7, 2025. Yarrow spoke to me in 2016 for the Gordon Lightfoot biography, explaining his interest in Lightfoot’s songwriting and particularly his songs “Early Morning Rain” and “For Lovin’ Me,” both of which Peter, Paul & Mary covered. His was one of the most thoughtful interviews given to me for the book. I first asked Yarrow about “For Lovin’ Me,” which beccame a huge hit for the trio in 1965. Here’s what he said: I was singing lead on that song and I know what was in my heart when I was singing. I was feeling and identifying with what I felt were Gordon’s intentions… there’s a sadness there. There was ...

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Mose and Leon - minstrels from another age

Mose Scarlett and Leon Redbone at Hugh's Room, Toronto, 2010.

As troubadours, Toronto’s Mose Scarlett and Leon Redbone were cut from the same vintage cloth. Both came up through the Yorkville scene of the late 1960s, performing songs from bygone eras–jazz, blues, ragtime and swing–and always dressed for the part: Scarlett neatly turned out in a three-piece suit and fedora or, more informally, a waistcoat and workingman’s flat cap; Redbone immaculate in a dark suit, a bow or string tie, topped by a fedora, straw boater, a Panama hat or even, occasionally, a pith helmet. They could have been arch rivals, instead they were good friends. When Mose and Leon died on the same day—May 30, 2019—many who knew the pair felt the coincidence as fitting as...

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  506 Hits